Practice Debian Workstation Install

Post tags: | debian | debian_install | dotfiles |

Sun Dec 28 21:48:19 MST 2014

Start with base install

apt-get install git sudo tmux vim zsh
        adduser craig sudo
        cd /etc/apt
        cp sources.list sources.list.1
        Add contrib,non-free to sources.list
        apt-get update
apt-get install i3 lightdm thunar iceweasel icedove
        apt-get install rxvt-unicode stow vim-gtk

Running as virtualbox guest, os install guest additions

Save as mydeb_20141228_2214/

Try dotfiles with vim

on ivie

cd ~/dotfiles
        bin/dfm import .gitconfig
        bin/dfm import .vimrc
        dfm import .vimfiles/

on mydeb

        git clone
        cd ~/dotfiles
        bin/dfm install
        in vim. :BundleInstall


  • what about custom compile of st
  • git clone for vundle and manual :BundleInstall