Lawn Care

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Univ. Park Front Lawn

        Dig 9v valves. Manual operation of leads to battery
        red - positive
        open valve
        red - negative
        closed valve

Fox's Garden Supply

        Fox's Garden Supply
        329 S Santa Fe Ave Pueblo, CO 81003

Spotted spurge article - Spotted Spurge and Other Spurges article Spotted Spurge and Other Spurges

Chemical Control

Preemergent herbicides

Preemergent herbicides can help prevent spotted spurge outbreaks if you apply them in late winter before weed seeds germinate. Time the application, so it occurs before the soil temperature exceeds 55° to 60°F at a depth of 1 inch.

Preemergent herbicides for turf and ornamentals include benefin (Balan), pendimethalin (Pendulum), isoxaben (Gallery), oryzalin (Surflan), trifluralin (Treflan, Preen), and dithiopyr (Dimension). Of these, only pendimethalin, trifluralin, dithiopyr, and oryzalin are available for use by home gardeners. Combination products such as oryzalin plus benefin are available to both home gardeners and landscape professionals.

Preemergent chemicals are almost never used in home vegetable gardens, because chemical residues last for months after application, and product labels routinely regulate against such use. Herbicide recommendations for commercial orchard and vegetable crops are available online; see the UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines.

Postemergent herbicides

Postemergent herbicides available to home gardeners include 2,4-D/MCPP/dicamba combination products, triclopyr (Turflon), and glyphosate (available for both commercial and home landscape use). In general, 2,4-D and its combinations don’t control the larger, more mature spotted spurge plants. - How to Kill Spotted Spurge article

Prevention and Maintenance

Connect the Dots

Spotted spurge spreads quickly throughout weak areas in your lawn by producing several thousand seeds per plant. Even though it is a summer annual, late-season seeds can sprout next spring after lying dormant during cold temperatures. This warm- weather pest begins seed production a mere 5 weeks after germination, so early detection and treatment is key.

Control Spotted Spurge with Prevention

An easy way to prevent an infestation is to weed your garden before spotted spurge begins to produce seed. Make sure your lawnmower and garden tools are clean. Keep a dense, green turf to ensure that this non-competitive plant won’t have room to grow. When these weeds do pop up, pull them out before they have time to produce seed.

Controlling an Infestation of Spotted Spurge

If you’ve got a large spotted spurge problem in the lawn, apply Weed-B-Gon Max Plus Crabgrass Control or Weed-B-Gon Max For Southern Lawns according to label directions. Always follow label directions.

crab grass

garden-counselor-lawn-care article Getting Rid Of Crab Grass

Crab grass is an annual weed, but it acts like a perennial. It has what is called an indeterminate growth pattern. Most annual weeds grow until mature enough to produce seeds, then they die. They have one shot to reproduce.

Getting rid of crab grass is difficult because it keeps growing all season, spring through fall. New plant growth, developing seed heads, and mature seeds will all be present on a plant throughout the warm seasons.

Steps To Getting Rid Of Crab Grass

Once this troublesome weed has gotten started in your yard, there are several things you can do to get control over it. The step or stage that is best for starting will depend on the season in which you begin.

  • Keep crabgrass seeds from spreading.
  • Kill existing crabgrass.
  • Remove dead crabgrass plants.
  • Replant bare lawn spots with new grass seed.
  • Apply a crabgrass preventer at the appropriate times.
  • Set your lawnmower at the high end of the range that is best for your grass type.
  • Restrict excess fertilizing or too-frequent watering.
  • Keep your lawn healthy as the most conducive way to get rid of crabgrass.

garden-counselor-lawn-care article WHAT DOES CRABGRASS LOOK LIKE?

garden-counselor-lawn-care article Crabgrass Pictures: All Growth Stages

garden-counselor-lawn-care article How To Kill Crabgrass

The Slow Way To Kill Crabgrass In Lawns

Put on a pair of gloves. Grab a serrated knife or a V-shaped weeding tool. Slice into the root of the crabgrass. Pull up the weed and discard. Repeat.

No fun? But all kidding aside, sometimes that is not a bad approach. You might be surprised what you can accomplish by taking 15 or 20 minutes each evening. Start on one side and methodically work your way across the yard. You can cover a good size area each week this way.

Enlist the help of a family member and have a nice conversation outside each evening as the air cools. Kids can be surprisingly effective at this when they are helping you, and not being ordered to do it by themselves. Just think, you get less exposure to chemical or TV pollution, while you kill crabgrass for free, plus the bonding!

As a side-note, related to the chemical element, you should be aware that MSMA is an arsenic based product, and it does leave residue in the soil. This may be a cause of concern for some individuals or situations, enough to make the idea of yard “work” seem more attractive. article Do Lawn Fertilizers Hold The Secrets To Green Grass?

garden-counselor-lawn-care article When To Apply Crabgrass Preventer

Pre-emergent Crabrass Herbicde article Preemergent herbicide

        Barricade 	prodiamine 	crabgrass
        Dimension 	dithiopyr 	crabgrass
        Dimension 750 	dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate 	
        Pendulum 	pendimethalin 	crabgrass 	
        Pestanal 	dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate 	
        Surflan 	oryzalin 	crabgrass 	
        Tupersan 	siduron 	crabgrass 	
        1 qt. 40.4% oryzalin - Surflan A.S.
 product page Surflan Pro Herbicide (Oryzalin 40.4%) Info on Preemergence Herbicides

Sprinklers article OSCILLATING SPRINKLER TIPS - Is It Broken? Keep It Turning!

$79 at amazon GARDENA 1975 Aquazoom 3900-Square Foot Oscillating Sprinkler with Fully Adjustable Width Control product page Comfort Aquazoom 250/2 (1973)

Can be combined with the GARDENA Sprinkler Tripod

Combined with the Sprinkler Tripod, you can water your plants from above – for even irrigation of higher plants.

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        Richlawn Turf food - 25# Size – 2,500 square feet (50’x50′)
        4 * 2500 => 10000
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