Tracks GTD

Post tags: | getting_things_done | gtd | tracks_gtd |

Local page here

Run like this.

        cd ~/dev/tracks
        bundle exec rails server -e production -p 3010
        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot
        bundle exec rails server -e production -p 3011

Tracks Site here

TracksApp Google Group

Online PDF Quickstart Users Manual

Tips and Tricks

Free Hosted Tracks in tips and tricks


sub projects

Install Log

github v2.3.0 Current release

Tracks 2.3.0 Released

Tracks 2.3.0 has been released! This version brings a few small changes to the UI, many bug fixes, and some major under-the-hood upgrades and refactors.

Tracks is now running on Rails 4.1. Ruby 1.8.7 is no longer supported, but this release of Tracks is fully tested on Ruby 1.9.3, 2.0.0, and 2.1.

Clone and set up local dev.

        Date - Sat Mar 26 09:50:24 MDT 2016
        cd tracks
        git checkout -b local-master
        git checkout -b develop

Setup rbenv

        Date - Sat Mar 26 10:34:41 MDT 2016
        rbenv install 2.1.8
        cd ~/dev/tracks
        rbenv local 2.1.8
        gem install bundler
        bundle install

mysql2 gem failed to install

        An error occurred while installing mysql2 (0.3.16), and Bundler cannot continue.
        Make sure that `gem install mysql2 -v '0.3.16'` succeeds before bundling.

Let’s try and fix this error:

mysql client is missing. You may need to ‘apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev’ or ‘yum install mysql-devel’, and try again.

        sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
        bundle install
        Bundle complete! 37 Gemfile dependencies, 90 gems now installed.
        Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

Configure variables Notes in Tracks manual

  1. In the config folder, copy the files database.yml.tmpl and site.yml.tmpl to database.yml and site.yml, respectively.
  2. Open the file config/database.yml and edit the production: section with the details of your database. If you are using MySQL the adapter: line should read adapter: mysql2, host: localhost (in the majority of cases), and your username and password should match those you assigned when you created the database. If you are using SQLite3, you should have only two lines under the production section: adapter: sqlite3 and database: db/tracks.db.
  3. Open the file config/site.yml, and read through the settings to make sure that they suit your setup. In most cases, all you need to change are the salt: "change-me" line (change the string “change-me” to some other string of your choice), the administrator email address (admin_email), and the time zone setting. For the time zone setting you can use the command bundle exec rake time:zones:local to see all available timezones on your machine
  4. If you are using Windows, you may need to check the ‘shebang’ lines (#!/usr/bin/env ruby) of the /public/dispatch.* files and all the files in the /script directory. They are set to #!/usr/bin/env ruby by default. This should work for all Unix based setups (Linux or Mac OS X), but Windows users will probably have to change it to something like #c:/ruby/bin/ruby to point to the Ruby binary on your system.
  5. If you intend to deploy Tracks with the built in webserver called WEBrick, you’ll need to change config.serve_static_assets to true in config/environments/production.rb in order for the images, stylesheets, and javascript files to be served correctly.

Populate your database with the Tracks schema

Open a terminal and change into the root of your Tracks directory. Enter the following command:

        bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

This will set up your database with the required structure to hold Tracks’ data.

Precompile assets

Static assets (images, stylesheets, and javascript) need to be compiled in order for them to work correctly with the new asset pipeline feature in Rails. Precompiling your assets is as simple as running the following command while inside the Tracks root directory:

        bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

Start the server

While still in the Terminal inside the Tracks root directory, issue the following command:

        bundle exec rails server -e production -p 3010

If all goes well, you should see some text informing you that the WEBrick server is running: => Rails application starting in production on If you are already running other services on port 3000, you need to select a different port when running the server, using the -p option.

Visit Tracks in a browser


Visit in a browser (or whatever URL and port was reported when you started the server in the step above) and chose a user name and password for admin user. Once logged in as admin, you can add other (ordinary level) users. If you need to access Tracks from a mobile/cellular phone browser, visit This mobile version is a special, lightweight version of Tracks, designed to use on a mobile browser.

Using Tracks

Using Tags

From: Greg Sutcliffe

Subject: Re: [Tracks-discuss] List of tags?

        > On 31 March 2016 at 02:54, Craig Anderson <> wrote:
        > I'm thinking about how I will use tags.

To give you some food-for-thought, I generally use them for:

  1. places (I have an Errands context, with actions tagged by location)
  2. people (so I can pull up an 'agenda' for that person across all contexts)
  3. subclassing (e.g. my Home context has many actions tagged 'quick')

Hope that helps your thoughts! Greg

David Allen

youtube A.T. Anthony Gell interview with David Allan - Getting into the nitty gritty of implementing GTD (Getting Things Done)

0:21 Definition of Project

  • A project is an end result
  • Any outcome you are commited to finish
  • that takes more than one step to finish
  • that you can finish within a year.

0:31 Examples

  • Buy the company
  • Get a new set of tires
  • Hire an assistant
  • Get a dog
  • Goto Spain

You can’t do those things. Those are things you can finally finish enough things and say I now have a dog, …

0:58 Probably the most lacking list in the world

Identify short term operational outcomes.

Think of it as put a stake in the ground about that outcome, because at some point I’ll come back and see I’m not finished yet. What needs to be done to finish it and pull up the stake.

Review the project list. For project decide the next thing that needs to happen. This is the difficult thing and always invovles a risk.

youtube Google - David Allen speaks on GTD and the two keys to sustaining a healthy life and work style.

youtube Getting in control and creating space | David Allen | TEDxAmsterdam 2014

youtube The Art of Stress-Free Productivity: David Allen at TEDxClaremontColleges

youtube Triangulation 22: David Allen, Getting Things Done

Leo Laporte and Tom Merritt with David Allen


article thesambarnes - GTD for Web Project Management Revisited

youtube Dwight Ivany - Getting Things Done in five minutes

youtube lloyd ernst - A 101 guide to using TRACKS for GTD Getting Things Done

youtube IQTELL - Detailed GTD® Tutorial

youtube In about 6 minutes Roel Smelt explains with a clear slides the principle of Getting Things Done.

youtube Brian Johnson - Getting Things Done by David Allen

youtube 2000 Books - Getting Things Done Audiobook Animated Summary David Allen

youtube Peter von Panda - How the GTD (Getting Things Done) Productivity System Works is Why It’s So Great


mGSD mGSD The TiddlyWiki powered GTD® system formerly known as MonkeyGTD

article Scot Herrick - My Killer GTD Setup — Part III

vimeo Sean Tierney - Ramp Up #6: Tracks for GTD

Tracks is an elegant task tracking application based on the “Getting Things Done” methodology. It’s a web application so it’s accessible everywhere and but its AJAX-based interface gives it the feel of a desktop app. This video gives brief 5min overview of how it works.

Tracks v2.3.0

git tag: v2.3.0 Upgrading from Tracks 2.2.x to 2.3.0 A successful Git branching model By Vincent Driessen

        Fri Oct 13 09:47:04 MDT 2017
        cd ~/dev
        git clone coot-on-tracks
        cd coot-on-tracks/
        git checkout -b coot-on-tracks-20171013
        cd /media/craig/git1/data/git/
        get init --bare coot-on-tracks.git
        ls /media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git
        cd ~dev/coot-on-tracks/
        git remote -v
        origin (fetch)
        origin (push)
        git remote add upstream
        git remote -v
        origin (fetch)
        origin (push)
        upstream (fetch)
        upstream (push)
        git checkout -b upstream
        git checkout -b coot-master
        git checkout -b develop
        git remote set-url origin /media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git
        git remote add git1 /media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git
        git remote -v
        git1	/media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git (fetch)
        git1	/media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git (push)
        origin	/media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git (fetch)
        origin	/media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git (push)
        upstream (fetch)
        upstream (push)
        tig # First few lines
        2017-07-30 15:22 Matt Rogers            M─┐ [develop] [coot-master] [master] [upstream] {origin/HEAD} {origin/master} Merge pull request #2086 from TracksApp/fix-top-10-longest-running
        2017-06-19 09:24 Matt Rogers            │ o Add a test for longest running projects
        2017-06-13 17:12 Matt Rogers            │ o Fix the top 10 longest running projects list
        2017-05-20 09:49 Matt Rogers            M─│─┐ Merge pull request #2082 from dnrce/installation-wiki
        2017-05-20 10:22 Dan Rice               │ │ o Move alternative installation options to the wiki

Ruby installed with rbenv

        cd ~/.rbenv
        plugins/ruby-build && git pull
        rbenv install 2.4.2
        cd ~/dev/coot-on-tracks 
        rbenv local 2.4.2
        gem install bundler
        bundle install
        An error occurred while installing json (1.8.3), and Bundler cannot continue.
        Make sure that 
          gem install json -v '1.8.3'
        succeeds before bundling.

Re-Install from zip

        Sat Oct 14 07:58:27 MDT 2017
        Install from zip
        cd ~/dev
        mv tracks-2.3.0 tracks-for-coot
        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot
        git init .
        git add .
        git commit -m '2.3.0 source download'
        git tag v2.3.0
        git checkout -b develop
        cd /media/craig/git1/data/git/
        git init --bare coot-on-tracks.git
        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot
        git remote add origin /media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git
        git remote add git1 /media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git
        git push origin --all
        git push origin --tags

edit .gitignore

Have git track: /db/tracks-for-coot.db, config/database.yml, config/site.yml

        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot

Edit local config

        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot/config/
        cp database.yml.tmpl database.yml
        cp site.yml.tmpl site.yml
        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot/
        git add .
        git commit -m 'track config/database.yml config/site.yml'
        git push origin develop

If you intend to deploy Tracks with the built in webserver called WEBrick, you’ll need to change

        config.serve_static_assets to true in 

in order for the images, stylesheets, and javascript files to be served correctly.

        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot/
        git add .
        git commit -m 'edits for local config'
        git push origin develop

Select ruby with rbenv

        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot
        rbenv local 2.3.5
        rbenv local 2.2.8

Finish the install

        gem install bundler
        bundle install --without development test
        bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
        bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

Run like this.

        cd ~/dev/coot-on-tracks
        bundle exec rails server -e production -p 3011

Another install attempt

Mon Oct 16 05:14:55 MDT 2017

unzip tracks v2.3.0 and use ruby 2.3.5

        rbenv install 2.3.5
        cd ~/dev
        mv tracks-2.3.0 tracks-for-coot
        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot
        rbenv local 2.3.5
        gem install bundler

Set up git repo

        cd /media/craig/git1/data/git/
        git init --bare coot-on-tracks.git
        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot
        ls /media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git
        git init .
        git add .
        git commit -m '2.3.0 source download'
        git tag tracks-v2.3.0
        git checkout -b develop
        git remote add origin /media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git
        git remote add git1 /media/craig/git1/data/git/coot-on-tracks.git
        git push origin --all
        git push origin --tags

edit .gitignore

Have git track: /db/tracks-for-coot.db, config/database.yml, config/site.yml

        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot

diff –git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore

        index e200dc5..1b7940e 100644
        --- a/.gitignore
        +++ b/.gitignore
        @@ -15,13 +15,14 @@

git push git1 develop

Edit local config

        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot/config/
        cp database.yml.tmpl database.yml
        cp site.yml.tmpl site.yml
        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot/
        git add .
        git commit -m 'create and track config/database.yml config/site.yml'
        git push origin develop


Active db settings.

          adapter: sqlite3
          database: /db/tracks-for-coot.db
          pool: 5
          timeout: 5000
          adapter: sqlite3
          database: /db/tracks-for-coot.db
          pool: 5
          timeout: 5000
        test: &TEST
          adapter: sqlite3
          database: /db/tracks-test.db
          pool: 5
          timeout: 5000


        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot/
        git add .
        git commit -m 'Configuration changes to config/database.yml, config/site.yml'
        git push origin develop


If you intend to deploy Tracks with the built in webserver called WEBrick, you’ll need to change

        config.serve_static_assets to true in 
        diff --git a/config/environments/production.rb b/config/environments/production.rb
        index b93a877..932c7f9 100644
        --- a/config/environments/production.rb
        +++ b/config/environments/production.rb
        @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Rails.application.configure do
           # config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true
           # Disable Rails's static asset server (Apache or nginx will already do this).
        -  config.serve_static_assets = false
        +  config.serve_static_assets = true
           # Compress JavaScripts and CSS.
           config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier
        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot/
        git add .
        git commit -m 'config.serve_static_assets to true in config/environments/production.rb to serve static assets with WEBrick'
        git push origin develop

Populate your database with the Tracks schema

        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot/
        bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

Precompile assets

        bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

Try the site

        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot/
        bundle exec rails server -e production -p 3011

Mon Oct 16 09:38:01 MDT 2017

        cd ~/dev/tracks-for-coot/
        git add .
        git commit -m 'Site is running. admin and craig accounts created.'
        git push origin develop

tracks is up and running

        git checkout -b 20171016-tracks-running
        git push git1 20171016-tracks-running
        git checkout develop