
Post tags: | html_presentation_framework | reveal_js |

Reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework

PDF Export

Open your presentation with print-pdf included anywhere in the query string. This triggers the default index HTML to load the PDF print stylesheet (css/print/pdf.css). You can test this with


Remote Control

Target remote slide show

  • laptop hosts wifi hotspot with Alfa AWUS036NHA usb wifi adapter
  • laptop server implements both the remote control and the presentation output
  • laptop browser connects to the server presentation output
  • browser on android tablet connects to the server remote control reveal.js-local-remote

Reveal.js has support for remotes, but they all bounce off the cloud and are therefore troublesome in a network-congested conference wifi environment. This one can do everything on a local server running on your machine so you just need your own local AP to work. Also, displays presenter notes. What is Twisted?