Heart Lifetalk Forums

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Heart Lifetalk Forums

Threads to Read

heartlifetalk.com/forums - Heart LifeTalk » SPECIAL TOPICS statins effectively manage cholesterol in most individuals, and lifelong cholesterol management may - decrease the risk of Alzheimer's disease

GENERAL TOPICS » My Story!! Neophyte with heart disease by Startravler

BEGINNERS TO HEART HEALTH » Lab Results & Interpretation Lp PLA2 - Blood test to detect heart attack and stroke risk by Elaine

ADVANCED TOPICS » Prevention & Regression by FCT. Advanced Lipid testing: Beyond ApoB and LDL-P the Insulin resistance story

heartlifetalk.com/forums - BEGINNERS TO HEART HEALTH » General Broad-Based Strategies » Blood Sugar Control General Ideas and Strategies

SPECIAL TOPICS » Anti-Oxidants + Anti-Inflammatory + Anti-Aging Resveratrol. Yes, it DOES! - post by slimjohn

I take the following: 2x/day: Healthy Origins Natural Active Trans Resveratrol w/wine extract polyphenols (bioavailability enhancers), 300mg. 2x/day: Source Naturals Bioperine (bioavailability enhancer), 10mg [I use 10:1 resveratrol:bioperine ratio] [This is a high dosage for intensive targeting foam cell-plaque formation & inhibition of lymphoma cells. Resveratrol benefits are dose-dependent but, for most people, 100mg standardized resveratrol may provide impressive results.] Optimized Resveratrol (LEF) may be best for most people. However, some of its absorption-bioavailability enhancers (high content of quercetin, less of fisetin) inhibit COMT gene function(I have SNPs indicating reduction function).

GENERAL TOPICS » Strategies: Prevention, Mitigation of CVD slimjohn - The "Restoring Endothelial Function" Series

It has been awhile since I reviewed these threads on restoring endothelial function. Seems some links were bad so I fixed them. You should now be able to go from one thread to the next (links provided). In Part 4 I am reminded that I completely forgot to complete Part 5 so that has been moved to the top of the list of things to do. :-) I hope to compile all into a pdf booklet. If you have endothelial dysfunction you have atherosclerosis! You can do something about restoring endothelial function.


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