Vitamin D3

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Cureality Core Program

Target blood level of 25-hydroxy vitamin D of 60-70 ng/ml

Most common dose to achieve this level: 6000 units per day of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in gelcap form to assure absorption. Blood levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D are advised every 6 months at the start to gauge the adequacy of dosing

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Ten rules to get your vitamin D just right By Dr. Davis | April 20, 2018

Get your 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood level to 60-70 ng/ml, not the 20-30 ng/ml typically quoted by laboratories. This approximates the levels achieved by young people with plentiful sun exposure, thereby telling us that this is a physiologically appropriate level. It is also the level at which risk for diseases like cancer and osteoporosis (via high PTH levels) are maximally suppressed.

Wait at least 2 months after starting vitamin D or changing the dose before you check a 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood level, as it takes that long for the blood level to plateau (read “steady state”). Checking a level too soon will yield misleading results.

After 2-3 years of consistent supplementation, check a blood level–This is because many people develop a marked reduction in need at this point. I don’t know why, but speculate that all vitamin D receptors have become saturated, thereby yielding higher 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels allowing a reduction in dose.

Take vitamin D in the morning–Some people develop insomnia if vitamin D is taken at bedtime, an effect I assume means that the body somehow equates vitamin D ingestion with sunlight.

How important is Vitamin D? By Dr. Davis | June 13, 2017