Homesick for Dotfiles

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We call a repository that is compatible with homesick to be a ‘castle’. To act as a castle, a repository must be organized like so:

  • Contains a 'home' directory
  • 'home' contains any number of files and directories that begin with '.' Never Leave Your Dotfiles Behind Again With Homesick

Examples dotfiles dot-files dotfiles dotfiles dotfiles dotfiles Dotfiles Are Meant to Be Forked

What sets mine apart that I’m kind of in love with is that everything is broken into very specific and distinct areas:

  • bin/
  • cas/
  • ec2/
  • git/
  • jruby/
  • ruby/
  • system/
  • vim/
  • zsh/

This makes sense, at least to me: too many times I’d be in the Git mindset, trying to add a new alias but never remembering where to find it in the long aliases.zsh file I had. Now if I’m adding a new alias for Git I can go straight into git/, edit aliases.zsh and know that all the aliases I’d need for Git is contained within that file. Any new directories created get automatically added to your shell, too. It’s really helpful, and lets you scale your dotfiles a lot easier. More importantly, if I’m browsing a fork’s directories — which are likely to be very different than mine — I can immediately determine the areas of their code I might be interested in.

So, fork it. Or, if not mine, then fork some of the awesome other projects I mentioned. Or come up with your own way of organizing your stuff and share it. Everyone’s got their own way of streamlining their system, and sharing dotfiles helps everyone. dotfiles