Ruby Command Line App

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a class factory and dsl for generating command line programs real quick

for simple programs main.rb is a real time saver but it’s for more complex applications where main.rb’s unification of parameter parsing, class configuration dsl, and auto-generation of usage messages can really streamline command line application development. for example the following ‘a.rb’ program

Category - CLI Option Parsers

Writing command-line apps in Ruby by Starr Horne - Jan 5, 2016 article

Writing Command Line Applications In Ruby With Thor by Julian Tescher - Jun 3, 2014

Creating Powerful Command Line Tools in Ruby by Daniel P. Clark - 2017-05-08

trollop - ruby gem

Trollop is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way. One line of code per option is all you need to write. For that, you get a nice automatically-generated help page, robust option parsing, command subcompletion, and sensible defaults for everything you don’t specify.

Cocaine - A small library for doing (command) lines.

Interface - User Interface of GLI-based Applications - Lukas Elmer

GLI’s whole point is to create a polished UI for your command suite application. This describes the basics of the interface that is generated by a GLI-based application.

GLI is the best way to make a “command-suite” command-line application, e.g. one like git (for the best way to make a simpler command-line application, check out methadone).

GLI allows you to make a polished, easy-to-maintain command-line application without a lot of syntax, but without restricting you in any way from the power of OptionParser.

Methadone - kick the bash habit and start your command line apps off right by Dave Copeland (davetron5000 at g mail dot com)

The goal of this project is to make it as easy as possible to write awesome and powerful command-line applications.

clamp - a Ruby command-line application framework

Not another one!

Yeah, sorry. There are a bunch of existing command-line parsing libraries out there, and Clamp draws inspiration from a variety of sources, including Thor, optparse, and Clip. In the end, though, I wanted a slightly rounder wheel. (Although, Clamp has a lot in common with Ara T. Howard’s main.rb. Had I been aware of that project at the time, I might not have written Clamp.)

The Ruby terminal apps toolkit