Web Reads 005

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americanmind.org/essays Our Revolution’s Logic by Angelo Codevilla

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Black Pigeon Speaks youtube WHY the NPC Meme CRASHED TWITTER #OrangeManBad

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        by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Author),
         Robert Belknap (Introduction),
         Robert Maguire (Translator),
         Joanna Moorhead (Contributor) 

$13.19 at amazon Interpreting the Parables Kindle Edition by Craig L. Blomberg

www.ivpress.com $30.59 Interpreting the Parables 2nd Edition by Craig L. Blomberg

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tifwe.org/blog Blog of The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics (IFWE)


Instead, Jesus was sovereignly assigned to an ordinary couple, Mary and Joseph, who worked in a “secular” trade. After returning from their brief sojourn in Egypt, Jesus’ family moved north to Galilee, a couple of day’s journey from Jerusalem. During his young adult years, Jesus lived far away from the temple precincts, devoting his days to getting his hands dirty with building materials as a “blue collar” construction worker. That may seem remarkable in light of a commonly held view today that deems secular work as of lower value than “full time vocational ministry.” Yet by taking a deeper look at Jesus’ teachings and his own “secular” work experience prior to his public ministry, we may come to appreciate how this form of work had a significant role in Jesus’ life, and how it continues to have a vital role in God’s ongoing work today.

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The story of the West is really a story about us. By learning about our Western roots, we are studying the greatest thinkers of the past to understand high ideas like freedom and virtue. These ideas shape us. They add meaning and purpose to our lives and relationships with others. They make us human.

If we lose these ideas—if we fail to understand our Western Heritage—the cost will be high. We risk becoming what twentieth-century theologian C.S. Lewis called, “trousered apes”—half-hearted creatures in khakis and button-downs that lack full humanity and are content with the spirit of this age.

That’s why every Hillsdale student is required to take this course before graduation and why we offer “Western Heritage” for free. We see firsthand what difference this education makes on our campus. But we know there are even more people who need to learn about the incredible story of Western civilization, and wrestle with these great ideas and thinkers.

Now you can get Hillsdale’s online course, “Western Heritage—From the Book of Genesis to John Locke,” in this beautiful DVD box set for viewing in your home or in a small group. You might also find it useful for homeschool curriculum or for personal study. Do you know someone who is unfamiliar with this subject, or who wants to know more? This DVD would make a perfect gift for them!

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Mary Lee used the hard copy in Sunday school.

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        ISBN 10: 0310870186
        Imprint: Zondervan
        On Sale: 2010-11-23
        Pages: 2336
        List Price: $9.99
        Publisher: Zondervan
        Publication Date: 2010-11-23

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I first discovered this ingenious flip-flop winch from a YouTube demonstration by Mors Kochanski, the Godfather of bushcraft. A search of flip-flop winches on YT will garner several clips demonstrating the power of using two logs and some rope. So why would I add my video to mix? Because it’s only theory until you put it into action by Doing the Stuff!

Karamat Wilderness Ways youtube channel

If you have ever met or taken a course from Mors Kochanski, you know he is a wealth of information on survival and wilderness living in the boreal forest. We here at Karamat Wilderness Ways are sharing his knowledge with you on YouTube.

modemac.com/ The Bride of Frankenstein

However, it is in The Bride of Frankenstein that Henry – and the story itself – ponders the moral implications of playing God, or defying God, by creating life. Henry is tortured by the thought of what he has done…and this is more than many horror movies would dare to discuss. Horror is usually meant as a release, for the audience to sit and be scared, only to know they are innocent and that the bad guy will be defeated at the end. Few horror movies truly explore the grey areas of morality, and The Bride of Frankenstein is one of those rare exceptions that does so.

This is also why the movie provides far more blatant Christian symbolism and parallels than seen in the first film. Neither James Whale nor William Hurlbut were devout Christians, and yet the Christian imagery is obvious all throughout the movie. The Monster is captured by villagers and raised up on a pole in an unmistakably Christ-like crucifixion; the crucifix shines down on the blind hermit and the Monster as they meet and become friends; it is there again, observing as the Monster descends into the earth and enters the crypt where he meets Dr. Pretorius; and of course Dr. Pretorius openly and cheerfully compares himself to the Devil, as he has his own reasons for wanting to create life from lifelessness.

Much more than in the original, The Bride of Frankenstein plays with this question and shows us the consequences of mortal men daring to tread into the realm of the Divine. The original film opened the door, but this film basks in it. As Henry Frankenstein states, “…For what a wonderful vision it was! I dreamed of being the first to give to the world the secret that God is so jealous of.” Why else would Old Scratch, the Devil himself – in the guise of Dr. Pretorius – show up at Henry’s door and demand to see him, even as speaks these words to his wife while he recovers – recovering from his redemption, as he thought he had repented for his sins?

The movie makes it plain that Pretorius, not the Monster, is the true villain of the piece. He shows Henry his connection of “homunculi,” little people he had created himself, growing “naturally” rather than using Frankenstein’s method. I’ve pondered the point of this entire sequence – why does the movie spend so much time showing us these little people in jars, then put them away so we never see them again? In some ways, it could be said Pretorius is playing God when he makes these little creatures. He creates a Queen first – in much the same way he wants to create a Bride. The King is created in the manner and image of Henry VIII. Strangely enough, only a year before filming this movie, Elsa Lanchester’s husband, Charles Laughton, had portrayed Henry VIII in an immortal film role himself. Could this be an intentional in-joke of the film? It’s certainly possible. Meanwhile, we also see a bored Bishop – more Christian imagery – and a dancer, apparently sweet and innocent. And finally, of course, the Devil…and it is here that Pretorius blatantly and clearly identifies himself with the Devil, relishing and embracing the role as he says, “l took a great deal of pains with him. Sometimes I have wondered whether life wouldn’t be much more amusing if we were all devils, and no nonsense about angels and being good.” (It’s also worth taking a moment to praise the special effects of this sequence, arguably the best seen in any Hollywood film at all up to that point…and even for a long time after.)

Which brings up the role of the Monster himself…finally. This is a monster movie starring a rampaging Monster, right? Yet we’ve been discussing it so long, we’ve barely touched on the Monster himself. The Monster grows up in this movie, finds a friend, learns to speak, seeks a mate, and finally ends himself (and the evil Dr. Pretorius) in the final scene, blowing up the entire laboratory. Boris Karloff was at the height of his popularity here, and the movie emphasized this by simply crediting him with the single name KARLOFF, all in capital letters. It’s generally agreed that this was indeed Karloff’s greatest role. Karloff himself objected to the Monster learning to speak, as he felt it more effective for the Monster to remain mute. But, of course the Monster has to grow and become something more than the character he was in the first movie. In the original movie, he was an innocent babe, and the world was out to destroy him regardless of his innocence. In The Bride of Frankenstein he is no longer innocent. This is demonstrated at the very beginning, as the first thing he does is kill two peasants in the wreckage of the burning mill – and not just any two, but the very father and mother of the girl who had drowned. (The Monster has passed through fire and water, and thus he has been reborn.) No, the Monster is not innocent in this movie. But, we have to see that despite this, he is still good. And thus, his first act is to rescue a girl falling into the water, much like what happened in the first movie. The Monster has learned what happened before, so he saves the girl from drowning this time. He is no longer the innocent babe of the first film. Thus, he has to learn how to talk, as he becomes more intelligent and understanding of the world.

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bible.org/seriespage Eschatology: End Times

The term “eschatology” comes from two Greek terms escato and lovgo meaning (roughly speaking) “last, end, or final” and “study of,” respectively. Theologically speaking, then, the term eschatology refers to “the study of final things” in the Bible. It concerns both personal eschatological issues such as death and the intermediate state as well as themes with a more general or corporate focus. The latter would include such ideas as the return of Christ, resurrection, judgment, tribulation, the millennial kingdom, and the eternal state.

en.wikipedia.org Christian eschatology

Christian eschatology is a major branch of study within Christian theology dealing with the “last things.” Eschatology, from two Greek words meaning “last” (ἔσχατος) and “study” (-λογία), is the study of ‘end things’, whether the end of an individual life, the end of the age, the end of the world and the nature of the Kingdom of God. Broadly speaking, Christian eschatology is the study concerned with the ultimate destiny of the individual soul and the entire created order, based primarily upon biblical texts within the Old and New Testament.

Christian eschatology looks to study and discuss matters such as death and the afterlife, Heaven and Hell, the Second Coming of Jesus, the resurrection of the dead, the Rapture, the Tribulation, Millennialism, the end of the world, the Last Judgment, and the New Heaven and New Earth in the world to come. Eschatological passages are found in many places in the Bible, both in the Old and the New Testaments. There are also many extrabiblical examples of eschatological prophecies, as well as church traditions.

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Jordan Peterson’s thought is filled with pseudo-science, bad pop psychology, and deep irrationalism. In other words, he’s full of shit.

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Roland Allen's book, written in the 1920s as a sequel for his book, "Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours?", stands alone and was way ahead of its time.

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        Language: English
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        ISBN-13: 978-3010024365
Wilbur Ellsworth part of hymn selection committee. converted to Orthodoxy.

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The Imaginative Conservative is an on-line journal for those who seek the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. We address culture, liberal learning, politics, political economy, literature, the arts and the American Republic in the tradition of Russell Kirk, T.S. Eliot, Edmund Burke, Irving Babbitt, Wilhelm Roepke, Robert Nisbet, Richard Weaver, M.E. Bradford, Eric Voegelin, Christopher Dawson, Paul Elmer More and other leaders of Imaginative Conservatism.

$20 at amazon The Sacrament of Love by Paul Evdokimov

Recommended on "Approaching the Wardrobe".
Dan E. Nicholas Review
My neighbor did however explain at the time the theology of the icon on the front of the book; that the platform in the icon on the book cover was in fact a marriage bed, far more than a dais a simple stage Joachim and Anna were standing on. A priest explained to me later that the banners overhead were icon shorthand for "indoors". Hmmm. Nice. An Orthodox icon depicting set the stage literally there for the lifting up of old fashioned man/woman physical/sexual love. Got my attention. And there it is, a bed; a nuptial bed in the icon in fact. How pro sex is that? Again, nice. I love telling this story to recovering Catholics and New Age seekers look at Eastern Orthodoxy. Philip Sherrard book Christianity and Eros

book at amazon Ages of the Spiritual Life by Paul Evdokimov

Musclehead with a brain review
Paul Evdokimov is in the ranks with Merton and Nouwen in the realm of great spritual writers. His experiences are unique and color his writing brining his ideals to life.It has great value as well with his philosophical arguments crushing atheism. One of the great minds of the 20th century

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Recommended on "Approaching the Wardrobe".

Clint Eastwood movie - Hereafter

spiritualityandpractice.com Hereafter Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat